United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Reports: Occupied Palestinian Territory
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The Humanitarian Situation in the H2 Area of Hebron City

Finding of Needs Assessment

April 2019

OCHA, stands for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. In the occupied Palestinian territory (o.P.t.), as elsewhere around the world, we coordinate emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all.

Israel exercises direct control over the 20 per cent of
Hebron City, known as H2, which is home to some 33,000
Palestinians and a few hundred Israeli settlers. This area
has witnessed multiple cycles of violence in the context of
continuing settlement activities, which are in contravention
of international law. The latest escalation erupted in
October 2015, following which, Israel tightened the access
restrictions it imposes on Palestinians living in the vicinity
of the settlement compounds. To better understand
the specific vulnerabilities of this coercive environment
on the protection, services, livelihoods and social life
of affected residents, O.C.H.A., along with humanitarian
partners, conducted an inter-cluster needs assessment in
summer 2018. This consisted of a survey carried out of a
representative sample of 280 families living in the most
affected areas of H2. The findings presented here have
been used to prioritize humanitarian interventions that were
subsequently incorporated into the 2019 Humanitarian
Response Plan (H.R.P).